What farmers are saying about their COG Pro Notebook:
“COG Pro has taken much of the anxiety out of my yearly on-site organic inspections. And it has made the inspector happy as well.

The longer I use COG Pro the more valuable it becomes to me as a record keeping tool.”
—Carmen Fernholz
Organic Agriculture Research Coordinator
Southwest Research & Outreach Center
Lamberton, MN

“We passed the Hawaii food safety inspection today, thanks to your record-keeping system… we are on to organic certification with your help. Your software puts paperwork in the backseat and gives us more time to concentrate on the business end of aquaponics. Thank you again for COG Pro!
— Dan, Ili'ili Farms
Waianae, HI

“Usually when we need some info about past planting or harvest data, it's when we are out working in the field, or loading the planter, not when we are at the computer at home.

That's where COG Pro really shines for us. It's there wherever we are, right when we need it.”
“We've been putting data from our operation into COG Pro now for three farming seasons, for organic recordkeeping. It's made our annual organic certification report 1/10th the work. And the organic inspector loves our interview now, because we sit her down in front of the big screen and just flip thru the tabs and find all the info she needs to see to answer her questions. No more sheaf of scribbled paper records to shuffle.”
“A bonus about COG Pro, something we never thought of when we started using it, is that now we can use all the input data to do our per-crop cost accounting, just by outputting the needed fields to an excel spreadsheet. We would never have the time or patience to do this if we had to extract the data from our old paper recordkeeping system.”
—John Breslin of Breslin Farms
Ottawa, IL

“We love COG Pro (so does our organic inspector). We have already gotten a few other farms to try it out.
We like the new functions that have been rolled out this year too. Thanks!”
— John and Lidia
Fazenda Boa Terra
Spring Green, WI

“COG Pro is so fantastic. Preparing for my certification is a breeze! When I had my inspection last year, my inspector said I had the ‘best paperwork of any of his farms.’ Thank you!”
— Colleen Lamb-Gunnerson
Dungeness River Lamb Farm
Sequim, WA